Discord community .

Reward your loyal members by letting them earn global currency and server points. Create items and sell them as rewards on your server store.

Economy illustration in tatsu

Credits & Points

Let your members earn currency and points to spend on rewards.

Credits & Points
Credits & Points

When a member sends a message, Tatsu will award them global credits and server points.

Economy system customization
Economy system customization

You can customize your server points system to your liking by changing the name, emoji, rate of earning and points range.

Global credit economy
Participate in a global economy

Global credits earned carry over to any current and new servers that use Tatsu, making it even more worthwhile for members to contribute in your community.

Wallet Cards

Collect more global and server currency

Wallet card example
Custom currency
Personalized wallets for each member

Give your server members a customizable wallet card for them to show off their gains.

Custom wallet
Display your server currency

Your server’s currency is displayed, complete with your own currency icon and name so members know how much they’ve earned in your community.

Curated Rewards

We create rewards for your community members so you can have an easier time.

Curated reward
A curated global rewards shop

Your members can spend global credits they earn in Tatsu’s reward store. Purchase from our wide selection of more than 2000 items including pets, houses, furniture, backgrounds, badges and more.

Contstant updates
Wide variety, constant updates

We release free content updates every two weeks so you can sit back and let us manage rewards and content creation for you.

Server Store

Create your own items such as roles & accolades

Reward store
Set up your own reward store

Let members choose what rewards they can buy with the server currency they earn by creating your own server store.

Sell roles
Sell roles as rewards

Sell vanity roles, role colors or allow access to special permissions by adding roles for sale on your server store.

Create badge as rewards
Create special badges as rewards

Give your members more customization options by selling accolades you’ve created on your server store.


Create your own server badges for display on your rank cards

VIP badge
Special badge rewards for members

Create fancy emoji accolades that your members can equip on their rank cards.

Prize badge
Use as event prizes, or sell them

You can give these badges as special event-only rewards or sell them on your server reward store!

Reward your
Discord community .

We're on a mission to connect & grow communities by building the best interactive content platform ever seen on Discord!

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